Why Should Spooky Season End? Maybe you Shouldn’t Have to say Goodbye.

Hello Everyone! How are y’all doing?

It’s a weird time right now, isn’t it? The start of November, and jeez, it’s already November. Time to go back to normal life, doing all the end of the year shenanigans, taking all the tests, and starting to get the plans for next year and vacations going.

But, and we ask… Does it really have to be that boring? Does it really have to be that same routine as always? Can’t Halloween be a little …longer?

We have made something, taking inspiration from spooky season, that could be a little more. A little something that didn’t have to really change anything, but could add to it.

Because I mean, sure, doing the boring tasks of life is necessary, but why not add something fun? Who said you had to do homework in normal clothes? Why not do them while feeling actually good? (And maybe getting weird looks from others, but hey, isn’t that part of the fun too?

Anyway, we did a Thing, and that thing is this a video on how to get started doing cosplays and some makeups that are a little more dramatic than the day-to-day ones. Look out for the video in our YouTube Channel soon, and we hope you have fun with these!

Now, goodbye to y’all! And pawt pawts if you want them on the way out!